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ghent's only CrossFit gym \






clever or skillful in using the hands or mind.

clever or skillful in using the hands or mind.





a cooperative enterprise

THE ADROIT COLLECTIVE exists to inspire, empower, and prolong the lives of each and every person that comes through our doors. Using community focused fitness classes in a safe, challenging and fun environment that inspires camaraderie, we will help create healthier and happier humans that live more fulfilling lives both inside and outside of our walls.

Our Mission

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Because exercise in an aesthetically pleasing space produces better results.*

*Maybe not, but it can't hurt, right?



meet the


Gene Bey


Cory zahm

Krissy fulton 

Eric Hauser

As someone who has both struggled with my own weight and also watched my family struggle with obesity, I had been in and out of gyms and dieting my entire life, hopping from one thing to the next, never feeling satisfied and never seeing lasting results. Once starting group fitness classes in July of 2013, I knew I had found the program for me!

Weightlifting and group training has brought me so many incredible friends that are like family, given me more confidence, and transformed me both physically and mentally. It has allowed me to do things I never thought possible, and coaching has allowed me to pass that on to others. Seeing the fire in someone’s eyes when a movement “clicks”, watching someone PR a lift or do a new movement they never thought possible..even commiserating during a particularly tough workout - those are the best coaching moments! I do not come from an athletic background, and I think I bring a unique perspective to an athlete’s growth by encouraging them that they ARE an athlete, we just have to find it inside of them and let it out!

Outside of the gym, my athletic endeavors are a little less extensive - you can find me and coach Jeremy exploring the latest brewery with our three pups, or traveling the country and world as a husband and wife photography and videography team! 

ashley mitchell

an interview with ashley  / 

coach / manager

What is your favorite memory at our gym?

Too many to list, because anytime someone gets a new PR or a movement they have been working on it becomes a new favorite memory for me! The excitement and confidence that just radiates out of someone when they do something they never imagined they could is the best!

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Favorite place ever traveled?

Oia in Santorini! 

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What are your hobbies outside of the gym?

Jeremy and I love traveling and experiencing the best craft beers every town has to offer! Which is why we put in lots of time at the gym haha!

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What is your least favorite workout or movement and why?

Deadlifts - No thanks!

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What is your favorite workout or movement and why?

Give me alllll of the T2B and Overhead squats please!!! 

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What’s your go to cheat food?

Does beer count??!

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Name one random thing about you that is not commonly known?

I have a random knack for remembering song lyrics, especially late 90’s/early 2000’s rap songs. I’m convinced I was meant to be a rapper in another life!

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Growing up, I was never the athletic kid. I loved skateboarding, BMX bikes, and playing the drums, so I was incredibly active, but not in the team sports kind of way that many teenagers are familiar with.

Once I grew out of my teenage years, my athletic endeavors ceased completely, and it wasn’t until starting working out in group classes as an adult that I found that spark of activity being FUN that I had always loved about the things I did growing up.

Coming from a managerial/coaching role in my previous careers, coaching became something I quickly knew I wanted to do. It is kind of crazy how my entire life I have been preparing to coach others, and it wasn’t until I found my previous coach Jessi that that innate love and ability was able to finally shine through.

I’m still not the biggest, fastest, or most athletic guy in the gym, but I take great pride in learning the movements inside and out as well as ways to cue them successfully so that I can coach others to be better than I could ever hope to be.

jeremy mitchell

head coach / owner

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What are your favorite coaching moments?

Whenever someone meets one of their big goals, whether that’s a new movement, a new PR on a lift, a skill that they’ve been trying to master, quitting soda, losing weight… each goal is so unique and personal to the person chasing it, and when you see that come to fruition, knowing you had something to do with it? It’s pretty awesome. Sometimes athletes just need someone to reassure them it’s going to be okay, light a little bit of a fire under their butts, or remind them of how powerful they really are.

an interview with jeremy / 

What are your hobbies outside of the gym?

I still have a great love for music and discovering new artists, and if I’m not at the gym, I’m playing with our pups, testing out a new beer, and spending time with friends!

an interview with jeremy / 

What’s your go to cheat food?

Cheeseburgers for sure. 

an interview with jeremy / 

Name one random thing about you that is not commonly known?

I played drums in a punk band that actually released a “CD” back in the day. And I had blue hair in my senior photo!

an interview with jeremy / 

What is your least favorite workout or movement and why?

Overhead Squats - because they have so far to go! OHS are not the tall man’s friend! 

an interview with jeremy / 

What is your favorite workout or movement and why?

Handstand Push-Ups - just something fun about being upside down!

an interview with jeremy / 

Favorite place you've ever traveled?

Santorini, Greece!

an interview with jeremy / 


*Includes access to all Adroit programs

$160 / month

Month to Month

$350 / 3 months

Nutrition Coaching

$180 / each

10 Class Punch Card


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$25(custom rates available for multiple days)
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*No 6:30pm  Friday

9:00am Barbell Class
10:00am Partner Workout

Monday - Friday


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first things first  /

I’m New to group fitness / CrossFit - what should I expect? 

Great question! You should expect to be challenged, to learn LOTS of new things, and most importantly, to have FUN. Our Foundations classes are perfect for people who are new to community based fitness or would like a refresher on the basics. Our Foundations classes are small group or individual, 4 course classes designed to get you prepared for our group classes by learning the movements and language of a typical group class. One of our experienced coaches will train you through the foundational movements which we regularly program into our group classes. This 60-minute class will typically start with a briefing on what will be covered, a structured warm up, skill coaching on a particular movement or two, a heart pumping workout, then a cool down and brief lecture on a particular topic of the day.

Do I have to be in shape before I can start with adroit?

No. This is one the biggest misconceptions about community fitness / CrossFit - we welcome and encourage people of ALL abilities and athletic levels (even if that level is zero!) to give adroit a try. . 

what if i'm dropping in from out of town?

Say what!? Heck yeah, we love new friends. Shoot us a message on the quick connect form below and let us know when you plan to drop in! Pricing for a single drop in is $20.00 and we can customize your rates if your'e visiting for a few days! 

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I have an old/nagging injury - is that ok?

Many people hurt or tweak their lower backs, knees, shoulders, etc. and are afraid to exercise those areas. The problem with avoiding those previously hurt areas forever is that they never get strengthened. This is disaster waiting to happen. You create muscular imbalances by training other areas of your body and avoiding the problem area. You become stronger everywhere else but at the same time that problem area gets weaker in comparison. This actually increases your chance for that area to be re-injured.

A well thought out fitness regimen can actually be used as rehab for injuries. Many people have come to us, unable to Squat (get yourself up from a seated position), Deadlift (picking up your groceries), Press (putting something up on a shelf) CrossFit teaches you how to move properly and exercise with correct mechanics, which in turn helps you regain functional capacity. Our coaches will work with you to meet your individual modification and scaling needs to ensure your safety. 

I’m ready to sign up! What next?

Awesome! We cannot wait to learn more about you and help you meet your goals inside and out of the gym. 

Call or Email us to with any questions or to get signed up for your first foundations class! 

end of faq

tell me about nutrition!

All that hard work in the gym is only ever part of the solution. To see the best results taking care of our bodies in the kitchen is of the utmost importance. At Adroit we offer 1 on 1 nutrition counseling with coach Ashley. Through the counseling you'll learn to better understand both the quality and quantity of foods you're currently consuming and slowly adjust those items through small changes in habit to see the long term results your'e capable of. Make sure to drop us an email to get more information on our nutrition counseling!

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616 West 24th St. Suite A Norfolk, VA 23517  /  info@theadroitcollective.com  /  757-344-2260 

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